Storytelling Style 3

Enneatype 3 is called The Performer, or The Achiever
The personal evolution of the Achiever is propelled through a tension created by their fixation: the need for achievement and success and the fear of failure or being seen as a failure, which reflects the polarity of skill versus fantasy. By embracing this tension as a tool for storytelling, the Achiever creates stories that honor both sides of this polarity. Through the act of storytelling, they explore the nuances of their own psyche, taking a step toward spiritual awakening and achieving a level of personal growth that is both inspiring and transformative.
When Storyweaving, your work channels the spirit of:
Your Storytelling Style is the orientation of your Ego Fixation, AKA your enneagram type.
Once upon a time, there was an author whose drive for achievement and success had led them to a fixation on the need to constantly prove themselves. They were haunted by the fear of failure and the thought of being seen as a failure by others.
As a Storytelling Style 3, the Achiever used this tension as a tool for storytelling. Through their writing, they explored the nuances of their own psyche, embracing both sides of the skill-versus-fantasy polarity. Their writing reflected their intense drive to succeed while also exploring the deeper meaning behind their own desire for achievement.
The Achiever was inspired by others who had achieved great success in their own fields, such as Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. They saw their own drive for success as a path to spiritual awakening and personal growth.
Through their stories, the Achiever explored the complexities of success and the hidden costs that often came with it. They wrote about characters who were driven by their own desires for success, but who also grappled with the deeper meanings behind their drive.
Through the act of storytelling, the Achiever achieved a sense of catharsis and understanding. They saw their own fixation in a new light and were able to explore their own psyche in a way that was both inspiring and transformative.
As the Achiever continued to write, they found that their own personal evolution was propelled forward by their fixation. They learned to embrace their drive for success while also acknowledging the deeper meaning behind their desire. By sharing their own struggles and triumphs through their writing, they were able to connect more deeply with readers and create stories that were both meaningful and inspiring.
The truth your stories help us remember:
"The awareness that there are no exceptions to the natural laws which govern the Cosmos, and that these laws are completely objective, operating as an inter-connected unity. The highest law is the totality of Reality itself. Certitude in the objectivity and total applicability of these laws is true hope." -Ichazo, 1972
Your storytelling shadow may sound like:
“I am exceptional and deserve to win at any cost. Everyone cheats or cuts corners sometimes to get ahead.”
See, your Storytelling Style is what it is, because The Art of Transformational Storytelling is YOUR vehicle for transforming YOURSELF, with a side effect of transforming your audience.
We have made a powerful in depth course on this topic exactly:
More details about type 3:
Type 3 Distorted Instincts
Fixation: Vanity
Passion: Deceit
Type 3 Undistorted Instincts (Holy Ideas)
Holy Law, Holy Hope, Holy Harmony
Virtue: Veracity (Acting from Truth)
Type 3 Emotional Polarities:
Veracity vs Deceit
Type 3 Obsessive Polarities:
Best (Winner) vs Worst (Loser)
What causes me stress:
The pressure that comes from basing how good I feel about myself on how much I get done and on status, prestige, and power. Not knowing my real feelings and values. Doing too much.
The nature of my anger:
Impatience. Irritability. Occasional outbursts.
The ultimate goal of my development:
To realize that love comes from who we are, not from what we do, that everything that needs to be done gets done according to natural laws and does not depend on our individual effort.
How I can further my development:
Moderate my pace. Let my emotions surface. Ask myself what really matters. Practice looking inward for my own identity apart from success and the expectations of others. Set limits on work. Allow myself to listen and be receptive. Realize that love comes from being, not from doing and having.
What hinders my personal development:
Impatience dealing with my own and others’ feelings. Working and overdoing to the point of fatigue and exhaustion. Not slowing down.
How others can support my development:
Encourage me to pay attention to feelings and relationships. Show me they care about me for who I am, not for what I have accomplished. Let me know what is really important to them. Remind me to slow down and smell the roses.