Magical Re-framing Effects
What is an ImageDetox?
Since the time we are young, we are fed images and stories which play a major part in the development of our identities.
I remember seeing “Aladin” and “The Lion King” and applying these stories to my own life as if they had really happened to me.
I remember seeing “Saved by The Bell” and “Are you afraid of the dark?” and “The Simpsons” and inside myself, I related to the characters in these shows as if they were my real-life friends. Friends who I had some connection with, but they didn’t even know I existed.
These types of relationships (especially featuring less than ideal role models and one-way connections) train children with subconscious misunderstandings and false assumptions. For example, this may be one of the major contributing factors which cause children to confuse admiration for love. Thinking later in life that they must become famous in order to become lovable.
Additionally, usually as we get older we are exposed to more horror movies and images of carnage. In the information age, not only is helpful information more widely accessible but so is extremely unhelpful and grotesque imagery. We would never normally be exposed to these types of unnaturally violent scenes, and it has become increasingly easy to be exposed to an ever-growing array of catastrophic imagery that our nervous systems do not know how to handle and process.
Coming to terms with this exposure can greatly help us in coming back to our true creative essence. We have to know what needs to be cleared in order to clear it from our nervous systems.
In order to know what to do with this visual information as we hunt it down inside of ourselves, we must have a general understanding of the mechanics of how stories affect us positively and negatively. This is a significant conversation and is something that is all going into the ImageDetox course – step 1 of 4 in the Storyweaving Strategy. We call this step “Discover Basic Assumptions” because without this internal investigation it is very easy and very common to express our creativity through these invisible filters. When doing so, we are unable to see the subtle motives and messaging driving all of our decisions and this gets infused into our work.
Not everyone notices or cares about these limits on creative expression – but if you’re here you’ve probably noticed and become curious about what’s under the hood.
New Storyweaving YouTube Series
Hey Storytellers!
I am creating a new series of videos designed to help Immersive Storytellers tell deeper and more impactful stories. Would love to hear if this video is helpful for you, and I am taking topic requests too.
Take care,
What does Storyweaving mean?
Every person has their own “Story” of how they arrived where they are. This is always true. However, as a person transforms their perspective their understanding of their story also transforms.
As business people and entrepreneurs, this very much applies to the value being created, and therefore the very essence of the brand as well. As a perspective shifts around a personal story, motives and passions also become new and fresh in the process.
So what is Storyweaving? It is the process of creating a tapestry of someone’s life work thus far. Combining useful experiences and insights from the past, along with an open and expansive view of the future. It is combining personal interests and curiosities alongside those of potential customers who feel a resonance with the same.
Let’s take my interest in writing as an example of a straightforward Storyweaving process.
I write so I can go on a journey. It is deeply personal to me, and it assists me in forming conclusions about intuitive nudges I have not yet explored.
I want others to come with me of course, but the initial journey is for me.
The journey can be through fiction or non-fiction. Either way, it generally contains a story arc, a hypothesis, a development and expansion of a smaller concept toward a bigger one.
And this journey is of course not “going anywhere”, because one can stay physically in the same place from beginning to end. However, by the end of it, both I and the reader generally feel “as if” we have just traveled somewhere. The more impactful the writing, the more life can be seen through a fresh new lens.
The more the author has been consciously exposed to their own tender parts, the more precisely and movingly they are able to touch upon the tender aspects of the reader.
And if the author has managed to actually resolve fear and convert it into power, they can create an experience that essentially does the same for an audience.
As I am writing this, I can sense that we are about halfway through this piece. Even though I am not telling a “story” here, the story structure is still very present. It is so in every single decision and every single movement, from small to large. Stories exist within stories within stories. Thus, whether we are discussing creating transformational content (screenwriting, books, games), or if the topic is focused on creating alignment within a brand selling widgets, the story aspect is a consistent key.
It is said that “There are no new stories”, and yet weaving these layers of stories together creates a wholly unique framework for understanding the world. Everyone is living stories within stories, and it is simply recognizing them and illustrating them or making them tangible and accessible in some way that creates value.
Every single brand, whether it is a large enterprise or a solopreneurship, has an array of perspectives available through which to view its unique offerings. A seemingly minuscule shift in perspective, even a slightly new understanding of their personal story, has the potential to completely shift a brand from low gear into high.
Even though Story can technically be considered invisible, brands and businesses are absolutely built on this foundation whether they own it or not. It is never too late or too soon to weave together the old with the new, to discard the irrelevant, and to make space for curiosity and expansion.
Individual stories always come to an end, but life continues to go on and so our work must be constantly updated so that the basic nuts and bolts that define our day-to-day lifestyle can keep up with the tapestry of our own actual evolution.
Advice Does Not Create Change

What is Depth Branding?
Inspired by the term “Depth Psychology”, Depth branding takes the concept of business value proposition and deepens it to include a true alignment with the whole person. An alternative name for such a lens could be “Holistic Branding” or “Aligned Branding”.
It can be easier to understand Depth Branding by understanding what is NOT Depth Branding.
Most brands are strategically aimed at manipulating target audiences to have a certain craving. Cravings/Desires can either come from fear and seeking of comfort, or they can come from an authentic willingness to truly move forward. To honor our deepest selves.
The word “manipulation” gets a bad rap. It’s not evil by any means. Hugging or encouraging someone to help them feel more comfortable, for example, can be considered a positive form of manipulation.
The truth is: customers long to be manipulated — in healthy ways which actually move them forward.
And it can be tricky to discern which type of desire is pulling on us.
For example, a new piece of very efficient exercise equipment comes out. Their advertising reaches customers, who then long for it.
But the question is, are they afraid of not having it and not getting fit? Or are they deeply inspired and open to a radical change? A primal knowing of what it looks like to honor themselves?
Typically, the answer to this depends on the depth of the branding. The subtleties of the voice through which the business reaches them. The thoughts and emotions systematically catalyzed in the advertising and brand awareness process.
A brand that comes from alignment is going to naturally exhibit true generosity and fearlessness. This cannot be faked. It will be inspiring because it is real. Reading this and taking it as “advice” won’t work. It can only ever happen through a deep process of facing ourselves. A willingness to see our core business motives. A willingness to get real about what you might even consider to be the “ugly” parts of what drives you.
Depth Branding shifts everything, in only the best ways.
The 10 Principles of Depth Branding
- The Foundation. Branding is not a logo, colors, or anything tangible. It is a business’ core message.
- Humanity. A business is not alive on its own, it depends on people. An aligned business is aligned with real people. It is intimately tied with the values of these real people.
- Natural Flow. Most businesses operate out of alignment with the people who run them, creating unnecessary stress and burnout, consolidation techniques (such as vacations/time away). This also creates illness and stagnancy in individuals.
- Core Message. Everything in the business can be traced back to branding. From the business model, products and services, to the hiring choices, location choices, computer operating systems, etc. The choices which make up the entire business operation and the resulting culture is the brand.
- Truthful Excavation. Blind spots in the individuals running a business directly correlate with blind spots between the business and (potential) customers. Perceiving the business as separate is imaginary. Excavating blind spots in the people who run the business inevitably re-shapes and restructures the underlying motive (and offerings).
- Defining Success. The definition of success of a business is inherited from those who run it. If their definition of success changes, so does the business’ definition of success.
- Business-Body Connection. The subconscious minds of those who run the business hold the keys to unlocking a business state of Depth Branding. The body is the subconscious mind. Therefore, the body already knows the truth of the direction in which the business needs to move. By intentionally challenging the patterns of the mind, the deeper motives can be revealed and actualized.
- Genuine Trust. Most businesses approach the world from an extractive perspective, locked into scarcity and fear of survival. This is why greed, manipulation, dishonesty, and misrepresentation are so common in the business world. When the people running a business are able to deepen and expand their relationship with survival, it releases the unnecessary pressure from their business and allows for a new level of trust. Trust leads to more trust, and a business radiating trust is highly attractive to customers.
- Customer Connection. Businesses that go through a Depth Branding process have a new ability to connect with customers who have also gone through a deep process themselves. By raising the bar of alignment (a synching between the business and the people running the business), the spectrum of qualified customers naturally increases. This may or may not include raising the lowest tier standards of the business. Doing so may result in the business becoming suddenly unattractive to those who are clinging without the possibility of reciprocation. Businesses in this kind of alignment may become repulsive to customers who are engaging for unhealthy reasons. This generally increases the bottom line, as these types of engagements tend to cost more in support and upkeep than they actually provide.
- Expansive Expression. A business is not meant to be just “busy-ness”. It is ideally meant to be a container through which the people running the business can truly expand. Therefore, a business that has gone through the Depth Branding process is not limited to merely serving the purpose of the clients, and accumulating finances for the owners. Additional to these factors, an aligned business serves as a container for the unbridled expression of those who run it. A platform through which they can expand in every direction, and tap into their absolute genius. Nothing less will do.
The Healing Power of Story
“Hollywood romance is to women what porn is to men. Both create a separation from reality.”
Our world has changed, and it will never be the same, and with that change comes radically higher standards for business transparency and content messaging.
Gone are the days of “filler”. Audiences are activated and hungry for real change. Real answers and practical steps to accomplishing their dreams. Without these crucial elements, businesses operating in the old way are going to be left in the dust.
Can your business keep up with massive inflation? Can your business keep up with these lofty expectations? We all need to become vitally necessary or go extinct. Now is the time for change.
Viewing Our Options
We always have more options than we realize.
We cannot see our options as they truly exist because our energy is stuck in fight or flight, and so and we habitually disregard our emotional experience as a means for survival.
“Play” is options consciousness.
By relaxing the nervous system we can come out of codependent behaviors and this allows for aligned creative solutions to strike us.
Image: A frame from the film Dean by Demitri Martin