A shadow is a lie, a lie is a PLAY

A shadow is a lie we forgot that we told.
A story-based lie that occurs for 2 hours on a stage is called a PLAY.

And a screenplay is meant to become a movie.
A PLAYwrite creates PLAYS.

Storytelling is lying intentionally.
Because it’s FUN.

At first it as an innocent, perhaps even playful experiment in wearing different masks. No more complex than peek-a-boo.

But then it kept going and going and going and our short term memory lost sight of where it began. So we innocently forgot we were lying.

Just how some of us (speaking from personal experience) can get caught up in the illusory tech world. It is a VIRTUAL reality. There is real reality and there is virtual. Virtual reality is an INTENTIONAL lie. Just like a movie is not real life, it is (ideally) an innocent artistic movement, purely creative. Lies are creative. Lies are not inherently evil. Playing in the distortions are what life is all about.
But the real chaos and havoc comes when we are just living in never-never-land 24/7 a have completely forgot about and fell asleep to the REAL world.

For over over 10 years I have been triggering myself on purpose.
A trigger is an 0rg@sm that we are unwilling to feel.

Anger is important trigger for me.
For sadness repressors, it’s sadness.
One of the most important realizations for me has been that COMEDY is the biggest trigger of them all because it feels the SAFEST.
People are still going to be repressing their primary emotions but if they can learn to have a sense of humor about it, they become MUCH safer to experience.

Kiloby coined the “reverse inquiry” approach which intentionally gets the subconscious mind to argue with you. This can be used properly with the emotion being processed fully (getting to a greater system regulation) or it can be used to traumatize oneself further if approached from a place of masochism.

Learning to triggering oneself is DEEPLY liberating because then we can better See our PROJECTIONS – mental interpretations of the outside world, which seemed totally real but were actually based on our fears [of] being triggered.

WE are AFRAID of being triggered because we feel GUILTY and for many of us, we deeply believe we have to face the wrath of H3LL if we are bad.

So we never actually take the time to discover the INNOCENT place from which we originally intentionally lied to ourselves.

The repressed emotion we are forgot how to play AS and are now terrified OF, is an experience we are longing no matter how much shame and guilt tries to convince us it’s wrong and evil.

We were PRETENDING it was evil.
It was a PLAY.

As real as it may seem now, we need to PLAY our way back into realizing it again.
Genuine facilitation is in PLAY because it is from a place of deeper system regulation, alignment, and homeostasis.

That seems paradoxical to the mind which is what makes so difficult to describe the benefits of deeply challenging ourselves. It is NOT masochistic self-punishment disguised as “personal development”.

It is a measurable and mechanical process of remember our True Will and building the strength of its influence.


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