Not only is Storyweaving a storytelling strategy, it is also a transformational experience. The Storyweaving experience was actually created by nature. All transformation and transmutation and alchemy are the same thing as a Storyweaving experience. By naming it as a strategy and identifying the necessary steps under which it operates, we’re able to apply this very natural growth and consciousness expansion process to the business and art of storytelling.
The power of this alchemy experience cannot be underestimated. This is the same process through which the sun burns, through which a plant grows, through which our heart beats, through which a child is born. This is the transformation of one substance to another, of one energy to another.
What’s interesting though, about naming it and identifying it as a strategy, is that we are in doing so making conscious these processes that are normally under the radar. Typically these are automatic processes handled by nature. So, tapping into what is typically a mysterious phenomenon and making it into an intentional practice bridges the world of what is normally dreaming and is now awake. By awaiting our biological primal intelligence we are tapping into the biology of storytelling, which takes it beyond the realm of entertainment.
We have so much force inside of us and applying only a small portion of it to our storytelling deprives our audience of who we really are. In our society we are so accustomed to wearing masks and putting on a show to impress our fellow humans, even our storytellers don’t know how to set down the mask. This may sound intimidating and it can have its moments of being scary. But this is also the path of freedom, which means the path of fun with the right attitude. What appears as perhaps dangerous territory is to a story weaver the only thing actually worth putting time and energy into. Even a comedy project is enhanced by story weaving because the storyteller gets an insight into what comedy actually is in nature.
How things are arranged in nature is you’re either a predator or you are prey. From the Storyweaver’s perspective, story is either generous or it’s parasitic. This doesn’t mean that a story needs to be perfect, but by being aware of all of these nuances an artist is able to express a story in more and more pure forms of art. A story can be impeccable in addressing what it must address. Art which is not so pure is an emotional reaction to something, revealing an issue that the storyteller doesn’t want. Pure art on the other hand has a higher quality of awareness and is therefore the true creative manifestation of the storyteller’s essence. Settling for anything less from a bird’s eye view, looking at society, is the sabotage of our species.

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